Ardhanarishvara: Where Dualities Converge
Swati tells us about her artwork “Ardhanarishvara: Where Dualities Converge”. It gives us a peek into her thoughts and artistic process. Have a read!
Emotional and Intellectual engagement:
Ardhanarishvara is one of my favorite artworks, though I wouldn't necessarily call it my best work. What truly stands out to me is the remarkable energy I felt while creating it. For those unfamiliar with Ardhanarishvara, it is an ancient and profoundly significant concept in Hindu mythology and iconography. The deity symbolizes the union of Shiva, representing the masculine principle, and Shakti, representing the feminine principle. This fusion underscores the belief that a complete understanding of the divine requires acknowledgment of both masculine and feminine aspects. The inspiration behind this artwork came from a deep inner calling to represent the essential balance between these energies. I aimed to create a piece that reflects how both aspects are vital for societal equilibrium and progress. This painting has consistently sparked compelling conversations, whether about the story behind it or the broader themes it conveys.
Balance between Traditional techniques, Cultural significance, Personal expression and originality:
As a folk art practitioner, I strive to maintain a harmonious balance between traditional techniques, cultural significance, and personal expression. My approach involves blending the time-honored methods and symbols of folk art with modern contexts to create something uniquely my own.It's not just about adhering to traditional techniques and styles; it's also about reflecting the cultural heritage and values of the community from which these art forms originate. For example, in traditional Madhubani art, the central subject is typically surrounded by flora and fauna motifs. In my work, I retain the use of traditional Madhubani motifs such as geometric shapes and stylized animals, but I’ve adapted them creatively. Instead of confining these elements to the background, I’ve incorporated them directly onto the bodies of Shiva and Shakti.This approach allows me to honor the essence of traditional Madhubani art while infusing it with a personal touch and contemporary relevance. It’s about preserving the richness of cultural heritage while exploring new forms of expression and originality.
The style I chose for this intriguing concept is rooted in traditional Madhubani art, yet infused with contemporary elements. I’ve preserved the intricate line work and detailed patterning that are hallmark features of the Madhubani tradition, using traditional tools such as fine-tipped brushes. However, I’ve also introduced non-traditional hues and elements of abstract form to modernize the artwork. The successful integration of these contemporary aspects with classic Madhubani techniques has been particularly gratifying. One of the highest compliments I’ve received was from a master Madhubani artist who recognized the traditional elements in my work and praised the seamless blend of traditional and modern aesthetics.
Know more about Swati’s art journey here.
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Ardhanarishvara: Where Dualities Converge. Swati tells us more about this beautiful artwork.